Saturday, November 22, 2014

New art + Bloglovin!

Hey! It's been a while since I've updated this blog so I thought I could share some new(ish) art here :)
made this into a bag!

handmade cards

i miss doing digital art :-(
I have more art in my art tag on tumblr here! I also have a deviantart although I usually forget to update it lol.

mmm that's it.. junior year is keeping me pretty busy mostly because I'm always procrastinating :-( Don't want to grow up and think about the future- I wish I could do art all day lol. 

In other news, I've made a bloglovin account for this blog so you can follow me on bloglovin if you have an account :) 

Also leave your blog in the comments below so I can check it out! I'm only following a few blogs right now so I'd love to follow some more *__*